Friday, July 6, 2007

Lynne To Court!

Everyone knows that psycho Britney wants her mother as far away as possible from her children, but the reality of the issue could be that Britney Spears has no way to keep her mother away if granny takes her case to the courts. California Family Code Section 3104 gives judges the legal right and power to award grandparents visitation rights if certain criteria is met. One of the biggest requirements is the existence of a preexisting relationship! This is Lynne's case is most definitely true.

The biggest problem for Britney is if K-Fed decides to side with Lynne she could very well walk away with court ordered visitation and there would be nothing Britney could do to stop it. Since K-Fed has made arrangements with Lynne for her to see the kids before the chances of him siding with her are pretty good. Sorry Britney, maybe you can win your next fight.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lindsay's New Man

Curious about the identity of Lindsay Lohan's newest boy toy? It is none other than A.J. Lamas the son of famous Lorenzo Lamas. With a few acting credits to his name, he may be looking for a name for himself, or helping the Promises resident feel a little more comfortable in her skin.

Gummi Lashes Back at Perez Hilton

With Perez opening his rainbow mouth the other day it was just a matter of time before Gummi lashed back at him. With his lack of true fame coming to bite him in the ass gummy has said that he is nothing more than a "desperate homosexual" and "Perez wishes he could be like the people he writes about". Sounds like Gummi has Perez figured out pretty well. I am starting to think that Gummi could be my next best friend.

Too bad people seem to really care what Perez has to say, after all he has done nothing to be famous, instead he leaches off the fame of others and steals pictures. Nothing original or creative there. My money is on Gummi to win this feud.

Hilary Duff Beach Party

While all celebs seemed to be spending a lot of time on the beach yesterday surrounded by new guys to flirt and drool over Hilary certainly wasn't going to be left out. She was seen prancing around the beach with a complete layer of make up and an obscene amount of jewelry for the surf and sand. Boy toy of the day happened to be MTV's own Frankie Delgado who Hilary has been playing around iwth a bit lately.

Bai Ling Vegas Wedding

Seems that Bai Ling is proud of her sudden marriage, bad news is she forgot to tell her reps! Ooooppps! Bai Ling claims she was married yesterday while she was in Sin City, but her new hubby is a hush hush for identity.

Party Crasher

Since Paris has moved to the beach right next door to Lindsay Lohan it's only normal for her to pop over and say hi during Lindsay's party. Seems the friends who live to be enemies have ended up right next door to each other on the sandy beach. Eeeks the horror! With Lindsay out for the holiday from Promises the rehab and Paris out from the pokey, Paris popped over to Lindsay's porch to make a short appearance before heading back to her own party.

Britney's New Man?

Seems that while Britney is cleaning house and moving mama and K-Fed out of her house she is busy getting ready to move another man in. Spotted yesterday going to the Four Seasons Hotel with a new mystery man it seems the crotch showing mama is trying to hook a new Mrs. Britney.

Baby Bro Gone?

Lindsay emerged from her party yesterday onto the paparazzi surrounded beach to search for her lil brother who disappeared. After finding him two houses down the way, she ripped into him and took him back towards her beach house. Perhaps someone forgot to tell Lindsay that lil siblings never usually listen, add a beach and the child is gone surfin.

Luckily Dakota was spotted very quickly and sisters Lindsay and Ali took him safely back home.

P's Mama Heads to Beverly Hills

As if the one again off again relationship is not bad enough, Kim Porter, model and mama to P.Diddy's three kids has packed up the kids and headed to Beverly Hills. With reports running rampant that Diddy was spotted with Sienna Miller last week. Seems that Porter has had enough and is going to get some distance. What happens at this point is still up in the air because sources claim that the two quarreling lovers "can't be together right now".

Orphaned Britney

Poor little psycho Britney has delivered a horrible sting to her mother. Along with the ugly legal papers that went, she has also been noted as saying she "didn't have a mom anymore". Yikes, you mean girls like her appear from under rocks? Please say it's not true! Surely Britney the crotch showing and party queen mom is not casting judgment on someone else as a mother.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Say It's Not So!!!!!!!!

OMG turn her lose from jail and the kids are following her around yet again. Our favorite jailbird to make fun of Paris Hilton has been nominated for two, count 'em two Teen Choice Awards. Umm yea she's not an idol to kids or anything. Parents around the world are cringing that a DUI criminal is nominated.

Her nominations include Best Female Reality/Variety Star for the TV show The Simple Life, this obviously means way too many children are allowed near the television. It is our sincere hopes that someone else wins and is able to shove the jailbird socialite to the bottom of the food chain.

Fergie Selling Ad Space in Songs?

The Black Eyed Peas bombshell Fergie is raking in a cool $4 million dollar contract in exchange for placing product placement in her songs. As you may already know she has been endorsing the clothing company Candie's and will be placing small advertisements for their clothing in her second solo CD. Fergie's label company has said that has had an executive speak up saying "With record sales in decline, you must find novel ways to make money out of the music. The trick is to make the brand part of the song so that it slips down rather easily rather than chokes the fan."

Interscope has promised that Candie's will have no say in how the song will be written, or what Fergie will say. With Stacy Ann Ferguson now doing adverts in her songs, are they going to improve or get worse?

Criss Angel Love Triangle

According to Cameron Diaz there was only 4 dates between her and the mysterious Criss Angel. Also according to Diaz the couple was split up for over a year before they ever went on those 4 dates, surprise surprise.

Criss Angel's wife is claiming mental cruelty and abandonment as well as adultery with Diaz as the reasons for the divorce. But since everyone is denying the claims, it seems as if the claim will have to be proven. But Mrs. Angel or Joanne Sarantakos as she is legally known claims she will be giving Ms. Diaz a subpoena when she returns to New York.

Lionel Denies Preggers Rumors

Daddy Lionel claims that there is no facts behind the pregnancy and engagement rumors that keep swirling around Nicole's head lately. His story is if the facts were actually true, then he would be one of the first to know. How close the two are lately isn't exactly known, but since Nicole is 25 she may be thinking she can make her own decisions and tell daddy when she feels like it. Plus who said that Lionel is really telling the truth?

Go Christina!

Who said Nicole Richie is the only blond celeb allowed to drop the baby bombshell? Certainly not us, Christina Aguilera is rumored to be preggo as well. According to reports Christina won't admit that she's pregnant, but proud grandpa Fausto Aguilera is bragging everywhere.

Good news is unlike Nicole Richie, Christina won't have to worry about having a baby in the pokey.

Don't Drink and Drive

DUI Queen herself Paris Hilton actually has the nerve to post a message on her MySpace blog telling people not to drink and drive? Seems a bit strange and perhaps Paris should take her own advice before dispensing it to others. Too bad there isn't a law against stupid blonds being allowed to make public service announcements.

However, it's been a while post pokey and I still see no action on all of the good deeds she claimed she was going to do. No charity work here, guess Hawaii was much too important. Can't make a party girl go an entire month without a vacation.

Party time for Paris is upon us, with broken promises, and calls to the paparazzi the old Paris has returned.

Sexy Chris Daughtry Scores Best Selling Album

Come on you know you love him, he was one of the best singers of his year on American Idol, and is ultimate proof that just because you don't win, doesn't mean you can't make a name for yourself.

Daughtry has set a record as being the fastest selling rock debuting album on the Billboard's 16 year history. Go Chris, he has managed to sell over 3 million copies of his album and has been certified triple platinum as well as being classed as the fifth best selling digital release of all time. Let's see Jordan Sparks hold up to this level when she comes out, if she ever stops playing around long enough to work.

Scream It Girl!!!!

Seems that plenty of people lately are tired of hearing about the Perez Hilton, call me biased but I love this Mandy chick and never even met her story here.

Now if only the fools that think he is special would go away. Ahhhh a happier time may be emerging, between Perez's lawsuits and his own goofy antics as "Queen" things might be going great.

Sex and the City the Movie?

Oh my god, as if it isn't enough of a craze now, there is a movie in the works for the HBO series. Now that the show has been canceled, it seems to be a last ditch chance to revive the fan base and with all four main stars agreeing to do the movie this is another in a long line of television shows turned movie. We started with movies long ago that are not important and in recent years have seen such shows as Rugrats, Wild Thornberries, South Park, Simpsons and so many more.

Notice a distinct theme, the main movies based upon television shows that come to mine are all cartoons. While the Sex and the City stars may look like cartoons at times, they really aren't and should go back to doing something else and leave the rest of us alone.

Say It Ain't So...

Surely Delta doesn't expect people to fly without booze on the plane? Poor Jimmy Fallon was left at LAX for seven hours with no liquor and then another two hours on the plane itself. What happened to not letting the pilot drink before flying?

Poor Jimmy was forced to stay sober on his way to film the new movie Rockett with sexy Lucy Liu and the marvelous Sharon Stone.

Perez Hilton Cracking on Others?

Surely reports of Perez Hilton cracking on other celebs is wrong considering he's wrapped in millions of dollars worth of scandals. With reports surfacing that he has the nerve to crack on Jason "Gummi Bear" Davis it seems a bit strange that the flaming "Queen of all Media" really has no room to talk. With his only claim to fame being the ability to crack on others seems this flaming media whore really has better things to do.

Besides, doesn't the world have enough queens of the female persuasion without the likes of Perez trying to shove the females aside? That's ok, everyone's 15 minutes of fame runs out eventually and Perez is certainly no different. A new queen is in the house and it sure isn't dressed like a scruffy looking man.

Gina Glocksen at Dan Band

Ok first, why is she out partying when her CD isn't out yet? Second, why is she out with Phil Stacey? Doesn't he have a small baby and wife at home he should be with? She made a better selection picking Chris Sligh and Chris Richardson to go party with at the Dan Band in Hollywood. No other idols were in sight, but the rocker chick loves the attention following her American Idol finale days.

Nicole Wedding Dress Pursuit

While many stars rush out and purchase the first dress they can find, scrawny Nicole is searching wildly for the perfect dress that she adores. Sources say that she has a ton of different designers she's interested in but just asn't decided for sure. Seems if that wedding is coming up soon, she better hurry up and buy before she starts showing.

Paris School Girl Image?

So whoever didn't see her interview with Larry King has probably seen clips of the experience both on the news, and across the internet. We all saw that innocent image she was trying to spew, but has the rich party girl really changed? Sources say that no she hasn't, while she did go solo to Hawaii, she was still partying her ass of there in typical Paris style at the Hyatt club. This is aside from the several guys she was seen throwing herself at.

Interestingly enough, according to some of the paps who follow Paris, the socialite actually calls them to tell them where she's going, and when she'll be there! So much for wanting less media attention and the paps to leave her alone.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Phil Stacy and now Tiger Woods

Why do guys put their love of fame above and over the love of their women and the babies they are having? First Phil Stacy the American Idol contestant choose to audition for American Idol rather than stay with his wife as she was going into labor and now Tiger Woods has done the same thing! Tiger admitted during an interview Tuesday that his wife was admitted with some complications with their first child on Thursday of the week before.

Now if the soon to be daddies could please put fame aside it would be very nice. Even newborns and extremely tired women need their man more than the rest of the world does during labor and delivery.

Hilton Buyout

Where is a girl going to stay when they go jetsetting after the hotel chain is sold? Questions arise after an $18.5 billion dollar deal has gone down that will sell Hilton Hotels in the 4th quarter of this year. Estimates claim that the deal is worth approximately $26 billion after all of the debt is included, but until the shareholder approval comes the deal is not finalized.

With The Blackstone Group LP purchasing the hotel giant they are making a huge investment in the Hilton name. Guess that reduces the number of places the celeb will be staying for free.

Whose Turn at Divorce Now?

Newest divorce to be filed is the divorce between Wayne Brady and his wife Mandie Taketa Brady. According to reports the couple split approximately a year ago and have only now actually filed the divorce paperwork.

Mrs. Brady filed the papers today in LA County Superior Court and as most other stars has only cited the generic irreconcilable differences as the reason for the divorce. In her divorce documents Mrs. Brady has requested joint custody of the couples 4 years old Maile Masako Brady.

Any other celeb couples divorcing today?

New Spin On Jackass Divorce

When you look to the world of Hollywood marriage you look to watch the rock solid marriages that have lasted for years. Who cares why they have lasted, but in a society where things are so difficult to control lasting years is a skill few have. Jackass star Johnny Knoxville is one such star, errr we should say was one such star. The actor has recently filed for divorce after 12 years of marriage with his wife Melanie.

Considering there is no prenup known about the Jackass star can expect to pay some spousal support to his soon to be ex. As for custody, that battle will be awaited since the funny man Johnny Knoxville is asking for joint custody of their only child. Another piece of interesting information is according to TMZ the divorce papers were signed by his lawyer back in January, but were not actually filed until today! Guess that's why a filing system is necessary in an office.

Scooter Libby vs Paris Hilton

In the world of unfair justice Paris Hilton was forced to serve a horrible 23 days for a traffic violation added to a probation violation. Great news for the judge that enforced that, while Scooter Libby the asshole that gave private information about a CIA agent's identity is allowed to walk free because President "Dumbass" Bush thinks his sentence is too harsh?

I was never aware that when foolish people elected Bush to office, he was given the job of jury. Seems that since Scooter Libby was convicted fairly he should have appealed his case like everyone else. Not sure Paris would have gotten her sentence commuted if she had plead to President Bush, after all even the Gov of California refused to touch it.

Oh well, seems if Paris had to do her time so should Scooter Libby. Guess Paris should have given Bush some special attention before she went to the pokey and she might have gotten her sentence commuted as well. Note to Nicole, a little sucky sucky could avoid your pokey stay if you learn from Scooter.

Nicole Richie Having Her Baby in Jail?

Laugh all you want, but with Nicole Richie going to court soon over a DUI she received a few months ago and expecting a stork in as little as 6 months it is very possible that it could happen. So what happens if this does occur, well after a relaxing 3 day stay at the hospital of LA Correctional's choice it would be back to jail for Richie. This means baby will be going home with either Joel or perhaps her parents.

Bad news is, the tiny celeb may not be allowed special VIP treatment! Yikes, if the LA County Jail does not determine she's as special as Paris Hilton she will be serving her sentence in the general population around all of the other inmates. Worse news is they receive a high calorie diet, complete with extra mystery meat and a nice prenatal vitamin.

Any bets on how long this bad girl celeb actually serves in jail?

Perfect Nursery Colors

In the wake of Paris's trip to the pokey, and now Nicole facing jail time in a DUI charge herself it brings the questions of the proper nursery colors for these little party girls. Should they choose a nice passive pastel pink and blue motif, or should they stick to the highly spicy colors of orange, with a few black and white stripes added in for effect?

Maybe Nicole will have a more sympathetic judge as long as she is a good girl and learns from Paris's mistakes.

Lesson 1. Do not be late for court.
Lesson 2. Act good in court and not smug.
Lesson 3. 23 Days in jail will humble almost anyone.

Bringing Home Baby!!!!! Nicole Richie and Joel Madden

OMG from all of the bad girls in Hollywood another one is spawning a child! Nicole Richie is pregnant, and planning on getting married this summer to boyfriend of 6 months Joel Madden from the band Good Charlotte. Who knew the Simple Life star actually would have a baby, much less how this will affect her July 11 trial date at court. Jail baby in the future perhaps?

Now we can only hope that Brittney doesn't start feeling maternal again, or god forbid Paris! Who will be the worse celeb party mom, Brittney or Nicole?

Blog Ratings?

Who knew people actually cares what a blog rating is. Much less who actually knew it existed. Web site Mingle 2 aims to ensure everyone knows what their blogs movie rating is. Who knew such a thing existed, much less how harsh the ratings really are. I'm sure with our hot celebrity topics it won't take long to get an R or even worse NC-17 rating.

Vanessa Minnillo and Nick Lachey

Looking for the newest alleged sex scandal, look no further than these two. As they returned to LA from Mexico yesterday they both looked a bit upset over the scandal but at least the scandal helps ensure they stay nicely in the public eye.

After all, they would hate to sink to the level of whocares!

Paris Hilton Home Again

As people are still wondering why the poor little ex-con Paris Hilton has the media's attention the little socialite has dropped back into LA this morning via LAX. Traveling alone to Hawaii must have been so boring for the former little jail bird that the warm confines of her mansion await her.

As you keep watching will be interesting to see what poor little rich Paris Hilton has planned this week for the holiday in her post pokey days. Especially considering her proper school girl act on the Larry King interview.